Reporting Procedures

Reports Are Sent to Veterinarian Listed on Submission Form

Sending Reports

The veterinarian named on the submission form will receive the testing result report. Results may be faxed, emailed, or mailed dependent upon the preferred method indicated on the submission form. The owner may receive a report upon request by the submitting veterinarian.

Fax Reporting
All testing result reports may be faxed to the submitting veterinarian if a fax number is on file and this is the preferred method of resulting chosen by the submitter.

Telephone Reporting
Laboratory personnel will fulfill requests for telephoning results, but please be selective in your requests. When calling for results, please provide the date submitted, the owner's name, and the laboratory accession number (if available). If you wish to consult with KSVDL faculty members about a disease problem or report, please call KSVDL at (785)532-5650, or call our toll free number at (866) 512-5650.

Email Reporting
Please indicate on the KSVDL submission form a request for the diagnostic testing results to be sent via e-mail. Please print the e-mail address legibly. Every effort will be made to honor this request. Anyone with questions may contact e Client Care at (866) 512-5650 or email All diagnostic laboratory results, except rabies results are also available using KSVDL Online at Anyone wanting to view their results online for the first time will need to register a username and password.