
New Bovine Listeria PCR Diagnostic Test Available at KSVDL

Listeriosis is an infectious bacterial disease observed more commonly in younger animals (one to three years of age). Typically, Listeriosis is associated with the consumption of contaminated silage, but several pasture-associated cases have been confirmed at KSVDL this year.

Most infected cattle are asymptotic carriers, and the most common clinical signs are a result of encephalitis. Clinical signs include depression, anorexia, fever, ataxia (walking in circles), salivation, facial paralysis, mastitis, and abortions.

The reservoirs of infection are the soil and the intestinal tracts of asymptomatic carrier cows.

Susceptible cattle can become infected through exposure to contaminated forages, feces, milk, and uterine discharges.

Listeria monocytogenes PCR

Species: Appropriate for all animal species
Sample: Fixed or fresh: brain, fetus, liver, placenta, spleen
Expected turnaround time: 1-2 days
Days tested: Monday through Friday
Cost: $31.00

For more information please contact KSVDL Client Care at 866-512-5650 or clientcare@vet.k-state.edu.

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