KSVDL Personnel Activities
- Dr. Kelli Almes presented Diagnostic submission hints and case examples at the Continuing Education for Veterinarians at the K-State Olathe Campus.
- Dr. Megan Niederwerder published a review article titled, Role of the microbiome in swine respiratory disease in Veterinary Microbiology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vetmic.2017.02.017
- Dr. Adi Wasserkrug Naor and Dr. Kelli Almes lead the KSVDL orientation program for the Class of 2018 KSU-CVM students.
- Dr. Chanran Ganta attended the National Veterinary Dermatology Forum in Orlando, Florida and presented a rare case under the session: What’s Your Diagnosis titled NAVDF Cutaneous T cell Angioinvasive Lymphoma with Lung and Ocular Metastasis in a Cat.
- Dr. Gregg Hanzlicek and several USDA veterinarians, Trichomoniasis-certified 42 KSU-CVM senior veterinary students.
Field Investigations:
- Dr. Gregg Hanzlicek with Dr. Matt Miesner (VHC livestock clinician) and two senior students, Taylor Nikkel and Taylor McCluskey, investigated multiple adult cow deaths on cow-calf operation.
- Dr. Gregg Hanzlicek and KSU-CVM students Mark Spare, Bobbi Ann Shanks, and Joanna Wilson assisted a local practitioner investigate respiratory issues in milk-fed calves housed in confinement.
- Dr. Gregg Hanzlicek and KSU-CVM student Jacob Nightingale assisted a local practitioner investigate an outbreak of neonatal scours in a cow-calf operation.
- Dr. Gregg Hanzlicek and KSU-CVM students Kotie Wootten, Bobbi Ann Shanks , Gina Callari, and Joanna Wilson assisted a private practitioner investigate hemorrhagic bowel syndrome in a Kansas dairy.