General Sample Shipping Preparation
By Dr. Jennifer Lehr
Occasionally a sample will arrive at KSVDL damaged to the point that we are unable to use it for testing. This can often be avoided by proper packaging.
During shipping, diagnostic samples face many adverse conditions, including being kept too warm, freezing, and rough handling. The time spent packaging samples will be rewarded by increasing the change of a safe arrival of your sample.
To assure your samples the best opportunity to arrive at the KSVDL in a “testable” condition, please fellow the package guidelines below.
1. Select a well-sealed primary container of adequate size for your sample.
2. After you have collected your sample into this primary container, place it a second layer of leak proof packaging, such as a ziplock or whirl-pak bag. Provide padding with absorbent material to ensure the sample will not be broken in transit.
This outside secondary container should be sturdy and rigid, such as a cardboard box.
3. Make sure your samples stay at the correct temperature depending on the outside temperature using insulation and either ice pack or heat packs such as “hot hands”.
A styrofoam cooler inside the cardboard box can also help insulate the samples from extreme heat or cold.
4. Ensure timely arrival of your package by selecting a carrier such as UPS, which will allow package tracking and overnight delivery.
Please view the General Sample Shipping YouTube Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bylL4EFha8 or visit the resources page to access KSVDL on YOUTUBE.
For more information and tips on packaging specific samples visit us on YouTube or contact Client Care at 866-512-5650 or clientcare@vet.ksu.edu.
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